Friday, December 10, 2010

jProgr Translation Series is a technology blog written in Spanish with great articles covering topics from Windows, Mac, Linux, Web development/design and Anime/Manga to name a few.

I've been following the site for while now and recently found an article I wanted to share with you. I contacted jprogr (the administrator of the site) and he gave me the green light to translate and post the article which includes 28 link to other articles on the site. I will start posting the articles in chronological order leading up to the main article.

Hopefully I'll be able to continue to bring to you more articles by after I complete this initial series by featuring at least an article a week from


  1. Computeitor_Jr11/12/10 4:29 PM

    Hola amigo, yo hice esa recopilación y me alegra que te haya gustado :-).

  2. Espero que les gusten los artículos y me permitan seguir después de terminar la serie relacionada a tu articulo.
