Monday, January 31, 2011

Links for 01/31/2011

Posted from Diigo. The rest of my favorite links are here.

Thursday, January 27, 2011

Links for 01/27/2011

  • IN ONLY 11 INDIVIDUAL LESSONS this WordPress Theme Tutorial is going to show you how to build a powerful, up-to-date, WordPress Theme from scratch. As we go along I’ll explain what’s happening including (for better or worse) my thinking on certain techniques and why I’m choosing one path over another. Essentially, I’ll be teaching you everything you need to know about WordPress Theme development.

    tags: wordpress tutorial themes howto design

Posted from Diigo. The rest of my favorite links are here.

Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Links for 01/26/2011

  • Starkers is a bare-bones WordPress theme created to act as a starting point for the theme designer.
    Free of all style, presentational elements, and non-semantic markup, Starkers is the perfect ‘blank slate’ for your projects, as it’s a stripped-back version of the ‘Twenty Ten’ theme that ships with WordPress.
    Best of all: it’s free and fully GPL-licensed, so you can use it for whatever you like  —  even your commercial projects.

    tags: wordpress themes

  • Here is an incredible collection of 12 hand picked Blender tutorials every Blender and animation enthusiast should know of.

    tags: blender tutorials

Posted from Diigo. The rest of my favorite links are here.

Wednesday, January 19, 2011

The Evolution of the Hipster 2000-2009

This feature appears as a spread in the November 2009 issue of Paste. The article over at goes into detail for each the years. Here's an example of 2000 and 2002:

2000: The Emo
The proto-hipster’s white belt and guyliner make for a soulful combination.

2002: The Ashton
His PBR trucker hat and faux vintage t-shirt reveal an obsession with "irony."

Read Article

Search Books for Hipster

Monday, January 10, 2011

Copy Paste: Apple iPad: A Linux Administrator’s New Assistant

"Linux fans are second only to Appleheads for their undying, and often blind, support for their beloved operating system. So, how can these two warring factions peacefully coexist in the same support space? If you can turn your attention away from Angry Birds for a moment, you might learn that your iPad is more than an expensive slab of electronic crack and that it’s possible to work with and manage Linux systems by tapping and raking your digits on its fingerprint-prone surface. This article describes how to do just that using SSH and VNC."

"There are several SSH clients from which to choose in Apple’s App Store. Some are free, others are inexpensive and one is a bit pricey for an app at $9.99 but its extensive list of features clearly justify the extra money you’ll pay for it. The app referenced here is iSSH from Zingersoft."

"The iSSH app is not only a capable SSH client but it’s also a VNC client, telnet client and X Server. Additionally, you can open more than one SSH connection and switch between them with a finger swipe. There is a limitation of a single X connection, though so you can’t run an X session in one window and a VNC session in another. The developers actively upgrade this application and regularly expand its feature list."

"You’ll enjoy and appreciate iSSH and your iPad more as you work with them in this new support context. The iPad is the perfect portable Linux support tool for System Administrators. As the iPad matures, more apps that integrate it with Linux will appear, though admittedly; SSH, X, VNC and web-based apps are already well covered with iSSH and the Safari browser"

Read Full Article: Apple iPad: A Linux Administrator’s New Assistant


Configuring a New SSH Connection Profile in iSSH

iSSH Profile List, Edit and Configuration Screen

iSSH X Session with Xcalc, the Multifunction Application and Keyboard.

The Multifunction X Session Application

iSSH VNC Profile Configuration Screen

iSSH VNC Session Showing Target Host’s GNOME Desktop
CopyPaste articles are short articles in which I "Copy and Paste" highlights from an article. I recommend reading the source article.

Images taken from source Article

Tuesday, January 04, 2011

Fake Microsoft security update spreads Autorun worm

There's a face email supposedly originating form Microsoft urging you to "Update your Windows". If you've received this email or maybe an attachment with a file called make sure not to execute the attachment and delete the email immediately.

The payload of this email is an Autorun worm installed by executing KB453396-ENU.exe.

The email has a subject line of "Update your Windows" and contains the following text:

Dear Microsoft Customer,

Please notice that Microsoft company has recently issued a Security Update for OS Microsoft Windows. The update applies to the following OS versions: Microsoft Windows 2000, Microsoft Windows XP, Microsoft Windows Vista and Microsoft Windows 7.

Please notice, that present update applies to high-priority updates category. in order to help protect your computer against security threats and performance problems, we strongly recommend you to install this update.

you can continue to improve your computer's security and decrease the possibility of infection by keeping your system up-to-date, maintaining a current antivirus software.

As your computer is set to receive notifications when new updates are available, you have received this notice.

In order to start the update, please follow the step-by-step instruction:
1. Download and run the attached KB453396-ENU.exe update file
2. Carefully follow all the instructions you see on the screen

If nothing changes after you have run the file, probably in the setting of your OS you have an indication to run all the updates at a background routine. In that case, at this point the upgrade of your OS will be finished.

We apologize for any inconvenience this back order may be causing you.

Thank you,

Steve Lipner,
Director of Security Assurance
 Microsoft Corp.

Microsoft never distributes updates via email.

The Malware has been classified as W32/Autorun-BMF, and the ZIP file as Mal/BredoZp-B. Update your Antivirus software in order to have the latest definitions.

The following companies have updated their virus definitions in order to detect W32/Autorun-BMF and Mal/BredoZp-B

For more information: